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Captura de pantalla 2017-05-04 a la(s) 14.00.59.png


"Disaster drawer" or "Katastrof Möbler" in Swedish is a concept devised to place numerous everyday household objects such as controls, books, magazines, glasses or watches and in turn dispose of them comfortably. It consists of only 3 very light materials: a steel alembic structure, PVC coating, and a textile skin that adapts to the structure but can also be used independently. In this way the user can wash, change (color or pattern) or repair the textile with great ease.

For its anchoring to the wall, a “ ClickClix ” system with only 2 points has been chosen. Due to its simple manufacture and transport, it was designed for possible commercialization under the IKEA brand.


Devised in 2010. Updated for 2018


Gama cromática

La zona de color naranja siempre ha de estar visible por su nivel de importancia en la conducción. También el velocimetro que nunca es tapado con ningun otro elemento.


Sketches pantallas y sus transiciones

pongo algunos, los de abajo estan guapos.jpg

Boceto de pantalla GPS + llamada + radio

Sin título.png

​Árbol de navegación


Simulación dentro del salpicadero

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